A little over a week ago, the news was announced that Donald Trump has won the presidential election, and will become the 47th President of the United States. It is excellent news for the unborn that Kamala Harris has been defeated — had Harris become our next President, babies in the womb would have been more at-risk then ever before. However, just because Harris was defeated does not mean we can sit back and relax on the legal and legislative front as the pro-life movement.
Let’s take a brief moment to review Donald Trump’s record on abortion. Prior to becoming a politician, Trump was a Democrat who publicly supported abortion. Once he began running for the 2017 Presidential election, Trump announced that he was now pro-life and would take pro-life action if elected as President.
During Trump’s presidency in 2017, he did make some decisions that had a profound impact on the history of the fight against abortion in America — namely by appointing Supreme Court Justices who helped to overturn Roe v. Wade. We applaud Donald Trump for his role in abolishing Roe v. Wade — one of the very most egregious cases in the history of America that led to the deaths of over 63.5 million preborn people. However, when it came time to begin his campaign for the 2025 presidency, Trump let it be known that he had already helped overturn Roe v. Wade and that he would not be supporting a total-ban on abortion.
Trump joined Tudor Dixon on a podcast to discuss her defeat in the political race against Gretchen Whitmer for the position of Michigan’s governor. Trump told Dixon during this podcast interview that the reason she lost her race against Whitmer was because she did not hold abortion exceptions in her campaign. I think it’s fair to say that entire pro-life movement felt betrayed by Donald Trump not only in this instance but the many other times since that he has made it clear that he will campaign with abortion exceptions.
Exceptions for abortion are not compassionate, loving, or humane. And they are not the way to win political races either. I struggled myself as I prayed and wrestled over who to vote for in the 2025 Presidential race. I felt that Donald Trump had abandoned the unborn child and sided with abortion advocates by supporting exceptions that merely lead to more child killing.
The unborn have a right to our defense and Trump failed them when he announced that he would not take a strong stance for life. Now here we are, a few months later, and Trump has won. Thank God Harris was defeated! I wish I could be completely confident that Trump will make protecting the unborn from conception his priority, but we have yet to see how he will act on the issue during his next term as President of the United States.
How should Donald Trump proceed regarding the unborn now that he has been elected as the 47th President of America? He must take a stand for human rights and oppose all violence against preborn babies. This means that Trump should advocate for a national abortion ban and do everything within the power of a President to advance protections for defenseless Americans in the womb. If we are to have hope of Donald Trump enacting pro-life laws, then pro-life advocates have to be loud. We have to raise our voices on behalf of oppressed babies.
Every child should be safe from violence no matter what — but right now, many places in America allow for babies to be slaughtered. This is an injustice, and we must not stop raising our voices and holding politicians accountable until every mom and baby is safe from abortion.
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